10 Days Rwenzori Mountain Trekking

  • mountain-trekk-rwenzori-rungo

A hiking safari to the Rwenzori Mountains in Uganda offers a great opportunity to explore the circuit in the central region. The longest hike covers 10 days hiking to the highest peak of Margherita approximately 5,109m.  The hike to Mountain Rwenzori can be combined with gorilla tracking at Bwindi forest and Wildlife safari Queen Elizabeth national park.

Day 1: transfer from Kampala – Kasese
From Kampala you will drive through  Masaka plus Mbarara towns. Have a brief stop in the town for lunch and then proceed to Kasese where you will enjoy breathtaking views of the legendary “Mountains of the moon.” Unwind and slumber at Hotel Margherita.

Day 2: Nyakalengija – Nyabitaba Hut
Start the day by driving to the head offices of  the Rwenzori mountaineering services (RMS) early morning so as to get equipment for hire and meet your guides plus porters. You will then begin hiking departing from headquarters of the park at 1,646m to Nyabitaba covering a distance of 10 kilometer taking  4 to 5 hours with a total ascent of 1200m. This trail at the start takes you through homes plus fields give way into bamboo plus long elephant grass and thick bushes. You will ascend over the rocks plus bluff, cross river Mahoma and then steeply ascend into Nyabitaba. A number of animals may be seen among which are such the white Colobus, the blue monkeys plus the Rwenzori turaco. Dine and slumber at Nyabitaba hut.

Day 3: Nyabitaba Hut to John Matte hut
Arriving at the John Matte hut will take between 5 and 6 hours ascending over 762m. From the Nyabitaba hut you will proceed left of this hut for approximately half a kilometer and then turn right before dropping to Kurt Shafer Bridge immediately below the confluence of river Bujuku and river Mubuku. You will then descend through the mud-covered, slippery paths and go through rocks and eventually reach the Nyamuleju hut. This as well marks the beginnning of the huge lobelia found particularly in really high altitude tropical regions within highland areas on the African continent. From Nyabuleju hut use the left pass going past the Kisalala waterfall, this path drops to the river then ascends through the heather to the John Matte hut found at 3,414m taking about one hour. Dine and slumber at John Matte hut.
Day 4: John Matte hut – Bujuku hut
This six kilometers trail takes 5 – 6 hours and ascends over 560 meters. Taking one or one and a half hours of wading your way through fords as well as crossing the river, this slippery muddy trail takes you to the rim of lower Bigo bog and finally to Bigo hut that offers breathtaking views of the peaks nearby. Walk on through the higher Bigo bog. And after crossing a river, you will reach the drier ground that will lead you to Lake Bujuku. This is as well the finest place for viewing the Margherita, and Stanley summit. Proceed along the trail for another 30 minutes to Bujuku hut (at 3962m). This hut is well liked because of its location near the peaks of Stanley, Speke and Baker. If lucky you may see red duikers. Dine and slumber at Bujuku hut.

Day 5: Bujuku hut to Kitandara hut
This trail takes just 4 kilometers starting with an ascent of 390m before descending over 340m. you will ascend and then drop twice and again steeply ascend to a groundsel vegetation at 4372m to the Scott-Elliot pass that is as well the main colt between Mt Stanley and Mt Baker. You will again descend to the Kitandara hut at 4023m where you will spend the night.

Day 6: Kitandara hut – Guy yeoman hut

This five kilometer stretch involves ascending and descending and takes 5 – 6 hours. At Lake Kitandara you will be able to view of the Democratic Republic of Congo. You will prepare for a sheer climb over the boulders, through the thick mud prior to reaching the level ground at the stunning Fresh field pass. From here you can clearly see mount Stanley.  Steep descend, climb over rocks and make your way through the thick muddy up to Guy Yeoman hut 3262 meters.

Day 7: Guy Yeoman hut – Nyabitaba

The trail stretches over 6 kilometers taking 4 – 5 hours. It involves descending a really steep slope and you will need each other’s support. It takes you through the deep mud, across rivers up to Nyabitaba hut where you will spend night.
Day 8: Nyabitaba hut – Nyakalengija Hike
Early morning you will depart from Nyabitaba hut tracing your route back to Rwenzori mountain services offices. You will move for 10 kilometers and takes 2 or 3 hours. You will descend through River Mubuku and through the fields to the RM’s up to the service offices where you will return the rented hiking equipment. Drive to the huge Queen Elizabeth check into Mweya Lodge where you will rest. Have lunch and later a game drive in the evening dine and slumber at Mweya Safari Lodge.

Day 9: Queen Elizabeth Tour
After an early breakfast, leave for a morning game drive on which you may see Lions, Buffaloes, various Antelope species as well as elephants. In the afternoon you will have a boat cruise along the Kazinga channel to have a closer view of hippos, giant crocodiles and a great array of birds.
Dine and slumber at Mweya safari lodge.

Day 10: Kampala
following breakfast, drive back to Kampala where you will be dropped off at your hotel or transferred to the airport for your departure flight.