Green Hills Uganda – Rwanda Safari Tour – 15 days

  • rwanda-rungo-safaris

Uganda and Rwanda are two countries located along the Western arm of the Rift Valley, characterized by different landscapes, but unified by the presence of the green color and green hills. They offer two different experiences of the African landscape and culture. You will follow the river Nile at Murchison Falls in Uganda, move southwards along the Albertine rift escarpment down to the “thousand hills” and lakes of Rwanda. This tour is a full immersion in the true nature, the forests and biodiversity. Choose between classic, midrange and budget accommodation.

Day 1 – Entebbe / Kampala
On the arrival at Entebbe International Airport you will be met by our representative who will transfer you to Kampala for the overnight.

Day 2 - Murchison Falls on the river Nile
Leave Kampala driving northwest towards Murchison Falls National Park. Stopover at Ziwa Rhino sanctuary for a nature walk to see the rare rhinos in the wild. Lunch in Masindi. Proceed to the Park, the largest protected area in Uganda. Stopover at the “Top of the Falls” to enjoy the marvelous falls from above. Dinner and overnight.

Day 3 - The boat cruise on the river Nile
Today is a bit relaxed starting with a game drive to view and take photographs of elephants, buffalos, waterbucks, giraffes, Uganda kobs, lions, if you are lucky the leopards, plus a variety of bird species.  Lunch at the lodge. Proceed for a boat cruise along the Nile to the bottom of the mighty Murchison falls. This is an opportunity to see hippos, crocodiles along the riverbanks and many water birds. Return to the lodge for dinner and overnight. FB

Day 4-  In the shadow of the Mountains of the Moon

The journey today is quite long from Murchison Falls heading southwest via the Albertine Escarpment of the great Western Rift Valley. Drive through Hoima and reach Fort Portal, the capital of the Tooro kingdom, situated in the shadow of the fabled “Mountains of the Moon,” the Rwenzoris. Have lunch. In the late afternoon you proceed to Kasenda craters. Dinner and overnight.

Day 5 –Transfer to Queen Elizabeth National Park, the Pearl of Uganda

After breakfast, transfer to Queen Elizabeth National park, checking in around midday. Have lunch, relax and at 3pm go for the launch cruise along Kazinga channel. Dinner and overnight.

Day 6 – Game drive and chimpanzees of Kyambura Gorge .

We will spend the whole day in this same park, starting with an early morning game drive along Kasenyi trail famous for lions, elephants, buffaloes, leopards and many more. Back to the lodge for lunch. Drive to Kyambura gorge for a forest walk to look for the habituated chimpanzees and other primates. This gorge is 16 km long on the Rift Valley and 100 meter deep.  After the primate walk, drive to ishasha sector of the park, famous for the tree climbing lions, .Dinner and overnight at the hotel.

Day 7 – Ishasha game drive and transfer to Ruhengeri

Have a game drive in search for the tree climbing lions with lunch en-route then transfer to Musanze in Rwanda . Dinner and over night.

Day 8 - Mountain Gorilla tracking and Transfer to Gisenyi

After the routine briefing by the wardens, you enter the gorilla sanctuary of Volcanoes National Park, the rain tropical forest covering the hills surrounding the five Virunga Volcanoes. It was here where biologist Dian Fossey worked until her death in 1985. The trekking is a demanding but rewarding experience.  We ensure you bring with you enough water and packed lunch. The time spent in the forest depends on the movements of the gorillas the previous night in their natural environment. After the activity you transfer to Gisenyi for dinner and overnight.

Day 9 – Scenic view and Transfer to Cyangugu

Gisenyi is a pretty town located on the shores of Lake Kivu, the main water body of Rwanda. You descend the escarpment down to the lake, with fantastic views of the Volcanoes. You will be transferred to Nyungwe for dinner and overnight.

Day 10 – Primates/ Chimp tracking in Nyungwe Forest

After an early breakfast, you enter Nyungwe forest for the trekking in search for the numerous troops of Angolan Colobus monkeys or tracking the chimpanzees. Nyungwe is a vast, uncontaminated mountain rain tropical forest over 1000 sq km in size and you will be amazed by such intense, green mountain vegetation. It is home to 13 species of primates, over 275 species of birds, 100 varieties of orchids. Ensure you take packed lunch and water with you. Return for dinner and overnight.

Day 11 –Kigali and the culture of Rwanda

We will drive to Kigali, the capital city of Rwanda. Stopover in Gikongoro for a tour of the Genocide Memorial of Murambi. Lunch in Butare, where it is possible to find the best Rwandan, original handicraft, which you cannot find in other countries of Africa. Butare hosts the biggest university and the national cultural museum, worthy the visit. Stop over in Nyanza for a tour of the royal palace of the traditional kings of Rwanda, the Mwami. Arrival in Kigali for dinner and overnight.


Day 12 – Kigali City tour and Transfer to Lake Bunyonyi

After breakfast, visit the Kigali museum memorial for the genocide and the art and craft market as well as Nyamata genocide tombs before transferring back to Uganda. Dinner and overnight at Lake Bunyonyi.

Day 13 – Boat ride and Transfer towards Lake Bunyonyi

Early morning boat ride on Lake Bunyonyi to various islands on the lake for bird viewing, sight seeing and discovering the sites of the Bakiga culture. You then drive to Lake Mburo National park with lunch en-route. Dinner and overnight in Mbarara.

Day 14 –Game drive and Boat ride then back to Kampala

Enjoy an early morning game drive along the trails of Lake Mburo National park to see Zebras, kobs, bird species, and other attractions. Have breakfast and enjoy the boat ride along Lake Mburo National park to see hippos, birds etc. Have lunch and transfer to Kampala for the overnight.

Day 15 City tour and departure
Reserved for city tour around Kampala. You will visit the important cultural and religious sites.
Have lunch and prepare to leave for Entebbe International airport for your flight back.

The Rungo team will be there to say good bye and to wish you a pleasant flight, taking back an unforgettable experience and treasurable memories of a country gifted by nature.